Search box Gadget is much needed for Bloggers as Readers can directly search there queries. Although Blogger provides Search box widget by default. But majority of Bloggers don't add that widget since it is not an attractive widget. We need a list of stylish and colorful widget so that it can suit Read more [...]
Many time we see that when we share a blog/website post url to facebook or other social site. The same title and description of that post doesn’t show. Its an error and these types of problem can be resolved by using open graph protocol meta tags.
What is open graph protocol meta tags :
This Read more [...]
It is very important to add a contact form in a Blogger blog. Google has recently introduced a official Contact form in Blogger. But the main problem is that it is just used as a widget in sidebar.
But it can be used in a Blogger page can use a cute and beautiful Blogger contact form in any Read more [...]
It is much needed for a Blogger to keep all data of a blogger so that in case Blogger deletes your blog, you can easily upload the entire posts and comments again. Since blogger gives us the authority to re-post the entire posts including images and comments. So I will recommend you to create back up Read more [...]
In this post we will learn how to activate email subscription from feedburner dashboard, so that we can add a stylish email subscription box in our blog.
It will give good traffic to your blog
For the reader's point of view it is necessary because your new posts will be directly delivered Read more [...]