I am going to share a trick for making your Blogger label stylish. Its quite unique and interesting. the code for this label trick will be in css and small in size so it will not effect your blog loading time. your new label area will look like as shown in fig. all you need to do is to follow Read more [...]
Hi guys, Today I am gonna share a simple trick to see Alexa rank more effectively. you will be able to see any website's alexa rank from past one day, one week or one month.
What is Alexa Rank
Alexa is a subsidiary company of Amazon.com. Although It was founded in 1996 and was independent unless Read more [...]
We often see in many Blogger Blogs that Blog title is included along with Post title in the search result or any where you Paste the Blog post Link. Before some days i had written a post for How Blogger's Blog post title comes first and Blog title Later. But this tutorial will help to them who just want Read more [...]
Search with Google USA from other countries :
If you are an SEO, I can guess you might have an issue to how to search USA based Keywords from www.google.com . The problem is when we write the Google USA Web address it redirects to country based domain. like if you are from India, you will be redirected Read more [...]
Hello friends, as we see in blogger posts, Images with default borders in blogspot are annoying. here is the post to help if you want get rid from this issue. for your attention I have posted a set of images having default blogger boarder and the custom image in the right side which will clearly show Read more [...]