Hello friends, I hope you are doing well, today m going to share an another Blogger widget which can be used for wordpress too.This widget contains all in one social networks buttons like, Facebook page, twitter follower, Pinterest, Google+ and email subscription widget.. This cool widget is look like Read more [...]
Hello every one, Hope you doing well.
Today, m going to share a trick for making a beautiful drop down menu with css codes only. Since it will be in css so it will not effect your blog's loading time.
Why to use this Menu :
There is fully css coding (No javascript)for this menu and not a single Read more [...]
without thumbnail
Hello every one. I hope you r doing well. Today m sharing you a gadget for making your blogspot blog more beautiful. It is for popular posts.you can set popular posts up to 10 and you can show image thumbnail or just a simple gadget in a blog. In left side you Read more [...]